The holiday season is upon us, with Hanukkah beginning tonight and continuing through Monday December 30, and Christmas Eve and Christmas Day coming this Tuesday and Wednesday. If anyone is looking for a simple and casual Christmas Eve gathering with music, please consider joining us at Wayside Friends Church in Newberg on Tuesday at 5 PM. We are a welcoming and affirming fellowship and we invite all to join us. Meeting at 1716 N Villa Rd in Newberg.
Merry Christmas
Have you ever wanted to see your favorite marching band director hit things with sticks? Now is your chance! The Tualatin Valley Community Band is presenting our annual Holiday concert - TODAY!
TVCB is under direction of that other terrific marching band director, Mr. Kevin Soon. It's free, it's fun, and YOU should come!
Many thanks to the Tualatin Presbyterian Church for providing us a venue while Tigard High is under construction. Easy to find, corner of Siletz and Boones Ferry Road about a mile north of TuHS. Come and see us, 12/8 at 2pm.
It's time for the fantastic Tigard High Craft Fair! YAY!
Our annual craft fair is this Saturday, in the THS Cafeteria from 9 am to 4 pm. We still need a few adults and students to help, especially adult helpers with Friday set-up. To sign up, CLICK HERE.
We'll see YOU at the Tigard High Band Craft Fair!
Hey Band! (hey, what??)
It's time to celebrate our NWAPA Class A Championship!
Plan to come, along with your adults, to the Band Booster meeting TONIGHT (Thursday Nov. 21) and we'll celebrate YOU and our season. YAY!
Festivities begin at 7PM, in the THS Library. We'll start with CAKE!!!!
(PS - It's also time to make that November Disney payment, and to hear more information on the trip. Oh boy!)
Hey, it's football playoff time, and time for senior recognition! We will be here to pep, pep, pep for our team this week (of course!), and at halftime we will recognize our seniors in pep and marching band, and do a fun-run of our field show for the final time for the home crowd.
Please, any MB members who are involved with the Shrek orchestra or the TuHS pep band, please CLICK HERE to let McKee know. Otherwise, we're all here!
OK friends, the 2019 Marching Band season is almost over. Championships are Saturday! As we approach the weekend, here's what you need to know:
- Friday is Tigard vs TuHS football
- Call time for marchers is 5:30
- Call time for pep is 6
- Bring ALL luggage for Eugene with you when you come for the game
- See the sidebar for "What To Bring"
- Halftime show will be in full uniform
- Pit will come upstairs and load the trailer during 3rd quarter
- MB will load the bus and leave for Eugene after the game
- Saturday is Championships!
- Up by 6am
- Breakfast!
- On to Autzen!
- Lunch!
- Back for more!
- Yay band!
Make sure to check the pages on the sidebar regarding What To Bring, Travel Expectations, and the schedule.
Let's do this!
Wow - just, wow! We had a really good technical presentation Saturday morning, and a terrific presentation that you all PERFORMED Saturday evening, and the scores reflect what the judges saw. Now let's put those two together and wrap this up!
Our plan for Friday is to perform for the home crowd at the Tigard/Tualatin game Friday night and then pack up and head south right after the game. Staying in the Eugene area Friday night will give everyone a longer night's sleep than if we got up early to drive down on Saturday, so that's why we go down the night before. Our warmup time is 8:56 AM and our Prelim slot is 10:06 AM. After performing, we'll return to the hotel and pack up, and then have celebratory lunch out. After lunch, we'll head back to Autzen and watch a bunch of bands and get ready for Finals. The Finals award ceremony is at 10 PM, so we should be on the road and heading back to Tigard by 11 PM, arriving around 1 AM. Thank goodness for Daylight Saving Time, which begins Sunday!
Full details will be provided Monday evening. Please check the closed Facebook page for roommate information and we'll see everyone at rehearsal on Monday.
Let's do this!
Hey friends, there is only one more week of the 2019 Fall marching season. We've gotten lots done this week, and we'll get more done on Friday. Here's this weekend's schedule:
- Friday - Rehearse, and FB vs West Linn
- Rehearsal 9:30 - 1:30
- FB call time 5:30. Full uniform, with pink gloves (PINK OUT!)
- Load after the game (pit and woodwinds)
- Saturday - Hillsboro Stadium
- Arrive THS 8:00
- Prelim performance is 11:39
- Finals performance sometime after 6:00
- Bring along warm clothes - forecast is for low 40s in the evening
Make sure you're up to date on your homework, and engage in healthy habits so that you stay well for the home stretch!
Hey, nice job on Saturday, friends. Really. And now that we've been to a competition, we know what to expect. Yay! Here are a few things to consider, as we prepare for our next show:
- People are starting to get sick. It is so important to do everything you can to maintain your health.
- Drink plenty of water, all day, every day.
- Eat a healthful balance of food. Veggies, carbs, protein - and some treats, too.
- Stay away from carbonated beverages. They are NOT. GOOD. FOR. YOU.
- Keep caffeinated beverages to a minimum, too.
- Remember, teenagers needs 9 hours of sleep per day. (Yeah, like THAT'S going to happen) At least work on getting reasonable sleep.
- Some people are also falling behind in their school work. If you're having difficulties, talk to McKee. Really - she will help you work things out.
- Drink some more water.
- Practice your part, every day. In real time, and in your head. Body movement, too.
- Touch base with your adults. Thank them for their support.
- If you can, watch a little playoff baseball. Because, baseball.
- And plan how Friday morning is going to go - make sure you eat sensibly before coming to rehearsal. We're rehearsing 9:30 - 1:30.
Check out the schedule on the sidebar.
Let's go!
It's Homecoming Week! Yay!
How many things are happening this week? SO MANY! Here's the lowdown:
- Monday: MB Rehearsal 5-9 PM as usual
- Wednesday: MB Rehearsal 5-9 PM - NOT as usual
- Field time is limited, due to the Powderpuff Football game
- We will be at the field by 5:50, politely lurking and ready to hit the field for rehearsal at 6
- We will have ONE HOUR to do run-throughs. We MUST be efficient in our rehearsal.
- After field time we will return to the band area and work on music, etc.
- Friday: So much going on!
- Parade - call time is 3:45. Stepoff is 5 PM.
- Dinner! Pizza dinner provided by Tigard High Band Boosters (thanks, Boosters!)
- Light warmup for pepping
- FOOTBALL! It's a Neon Out!
- Halftime will be Hey Baby! for the Tigerettes, and the Fight Song
- Saturday: SHOW DAY! See the schedule on the sidebar.
ALL Marching Band members need to read the "IMPORTANT MARCHING BAND INFORMATION" page on the side bar. Please read it now.
Here comes our first home football game of the 2019 season - yay! Here's the 411 everyone needs to know:
- Marching Band call time is 5:30.
- Pep call time is - uh - I'm not sure. Irving probably said, but I'm not sure. Let's say 6 pm, unless Irving said something different.
- It's a Tropical-Out! So that means we will wear our *brand new* pep shirts, and we can add a Hawaiian shirt over the top, or a lei, or something in a similar festive tropical manner.
- Marchers, Dylan says to wear "formal rehearsal gear" for our halftime performance. Meaning good athletic shoes, and dark blue or black loose jeans/leggings.
- Please make sure to eat good protein and carbs before you come. It's a long evening, and you need to have fuel.
- Be ready to pep, pep, pep as our team takes on those Canby Cougars!
Let's do this!
Wow - that rain did come down! And the thunder kept rumbling, so we moved inside - safety first, right??
Not what we envisioned for rehearsal tonight, but we still got some good things done, including great new choreo. And the forecast looks reasonable for Wednesday, so we'll get back at it with full ensemble on the field then.
We are at a place musically where we are doing pretty well, so now we need to work on the nuances of playing. Taking a breath where it won't disrupt the flow. Making sure all the accidentals are ALWAYS in the right places. Knowing the rhythms so well that we don't have to think about how they go, but just letting them flow. Feet always synced with the tempo. Performing the show, not just clomping through. And so on. What would YOU add to this list?
See you all Wednesday. Yay band!
CLICK HERE: Funnel Cloud Seen From Hillsboro Stadium
Well, we're just finishing off the Wednesday evening rehearsal on the 1st day of school. And it's been a loooong day!
It is my experience that when tomorrow comes, many will be wiped out. That is very normal, because this was the first full day followed by full rehearsal. My advise? Don't panic! Instead, plan on an early evening Thursday and grab as much sleep as possible. Trust me - everyone will feel better on Friday.
Yay, band!
Hey folks - we did it! We are just finishing up Day 8 of Band Camp, and look at what we have accomplished. All show music. A plethora of drill. Choreo. LOCKERS!! And so much more. So, now what?
Now, we picnic! Band Boosters are providing grilled food (burgers and dogs, including veggie options) and families are bringing the rest. Here's a reminder of who brings what, based on 1st letter of the band student's last name:
- A-G - Fruits/Veggies
- H-L - Snacky Sides (dip/chips/Chex Mix/etc)
- M-R - Desserts
- S_Z - Salads
What else will happen at the picnic?
There will be information about the overall band program, an opportunity to order band jackets (not required, but lots of fun), the payment of fees, information about Disney (DISNEY!!), and we will play music! For the parent-types! Yay!
Make sure your adults know - see you (and them) then!
Hey, we did it! Fire alarm testing, water shutoffs, porta potties, lunch on the rotunda stairs, dancing on the stage - nothing fazes us! (Sempre Gumby)
Check out the schedule for the rest of Band Camp:
- 8:30 - 10:00 - Body movement
- 10:15 - Noon - Music
- Noon - 12:45 - Nutrition, Part 1
- 12:45 - 3:00 - Field
- 3:00 - 3:30- Nutrition, Part 2
- 3:30 - 4:45 - Music
- 4:50 - 5:00 - Wrap up
- 7:15 - 8:30 - Set up garage sale (SW Church of Christ - corner of 98th and Durham)
- 8:30 - 8:50 - Breakfast - provided by THS Band Boosters!
- 9:15 - 10:00 - Body movement
- 10:15 - Noon - Music
- Noon - 12:45 - Nutrition Part 1
- 12:45 - 3:00 - Field
- 3:30 - 4:45 - Music
- 4:50 - 5:00 - Wrap up
Monday - Wednesday (week 2)
- 8:30 - 10:00 - Body Movement
- 10:15 - 11:15 - Music
- 11:15 - Noon - Nutrition, Part 1
- Noon - 3:00 - Field
- 3:00 - 3:30 - Nutrition, Part 2
- 3:30 - 4:45 - Music
- 4:50 - 5:00 - Wrap up
Thursday- Very similar to M-W, except for the following:
- 9:45 - Seniors go to Tigard Kickoff Business in the cafeteria. Head to music with Irving as soon as you're done
- 11:45 - Juniors go to Tigard Kickoff Business in the cafeteria. Head to Field as soon as you're done
Friday - Very similar to M-W, except for the following:
- 9:45 - Sophomores go to Tigard Kickoff Business in the cafeteria. Head to music with Irving as soon as you're done.
- 11:45 - Freshmen go to Tigard Kickoff Business in the cafeteria. Head to Field as soon as you're done.
- 3:30 - 5:00 - With Irving
- 5:00 - 6:00 - Kick back and rest
- 6:00 - 8:00 - End-of-band-camp-picnic! And performance! Yay!
BAND CAMP IS TOMORROW!! Make sure you're ready!
- Get some good sleep tonight.
- It's going to be hot. Make sure to wear loose fitting clothing. A hat can be helpful.
- Speaking of heat, bring a water bottle.
- Eat a nutritious breakfast. Good carbs and protein. Not a lot of sugar.
- Wear close-toed shoes. No sandals, No boots. No heels.
- Bring a nutritious lunch and some good snacks.
- Make sure you have your equipment!
Are YOU ready? Here we go!!
BTW, we begin at 8:30. So you should really be there by 8:15. Doors open at 8am. can stretch right up and touch the sky.
When the weather's fine,
You got marching, you got marching on your mind.
(apologies to Ray Dorset)
YES! Marching season is almost here! What should you be doing?
1. Drink water! It's really warm, and your body needs hydration. If you aren't a regular water drinker, start now. Drink at least four 8oz glasses per day. Work your way up to eight glasses.
2. Cut back on soda. Soda is dehydrating, And it's not good for you.
3. Especially cut back on energy drinks. They are very bad for you. Stop now, while you can.
4. Go - right now! - to the Listening Library and check out our fall music. It's so cool! And you need to be familiar with measures 1 - 81 before Band Camp begins. So listen to the mp3 and print out your parts. Not sure how to get to the Listening Library? Go to the THS Band Front Page on the sidebar - you'll find it there.

5. Go to the Marching Band FB page and check out the message from Irving. Not a member of the Marching Band FB group? You need to be - that is how we communicate. It's a closed group, so there is no need to be worried about creepers or anyone else who shouldn't be there. To find it, type "Tigard High School Marching Ensembles" in the Search bar at the top left. When you find us, ask to become a member and we will approve you. We will also approve your parental adult-type people. We will NOT approve your bestie, or your SO, or anyone else. It's for THS band business only. (There is also a Tigard Percussion group and a Tigard Color Guard group. If you fit in one of those categories, join that group too.)
6. Do some physical workouts. Walking, running, stretching. Marching is a very physical activity, and you want to be ready.
We've got one week before we begin - let's go!
Hi friends -
It is my hope that your summer is going well. There are many things to do over the next 5+ weeks, including camping, hiking, video game marathons, Netflix binges, picnics, reading, boating, biking, skating, yard work - so many options! Here are a couple of things for you to know:
- Your MB staff is hard at work, creating a terrific show for this coming season.
- Information about the upcoming season is posted and available for you on the sidebar. Check it out now, and check back often.
- We can always use more MB members. Ask your friends to join us - it's so much fun!
Also, please understand that during the summer, I check my mail and respond on a weekly basis. That's one of the ways I maintain good health and get refreshed for the upcoming year. Can't wait for a reply? Sorry - you'll have to. It will be fine - a week isn't very long.
Hi folks -
Hope your summer is going well and you are getting a good balance between rest and excitement. Your staff is working on the Fall 2019 Marching Band show, and we need to touch base regarding members. We've compiled a list from Try-It-Outs and from those who talked with us about participating this year, but we know that there are others who are not listed here.
Please take a look at the list and CLICK HERE to shoot an email to McKee regarding additions and/or corrections.
And look on the sidebar for MB updates!
Name |
Initial |
Equip |
Notes |
Caleb |
G |
Alto |
Hayley |
H |
Alto |
Thomas |
T |
Alto |
Jakob |
S |
Bar |
Cass |
W |
Bari Sax |
Miriam |
H-P |
BD |
Emily |
W |
BD |
Olive |
A |
Cl |
Shelby |
C |
Cl |
Claire |
D |
Cl |
Zander |
M |
Cl |
Luc |
T |
Cl |
Carly |
W |
Cl |
Francesco |
L |
Cont |
Natalie |
S |
DM |
DJ |
J |
DM2 |
Ash |
B |
Fl |
Eland |
M |
Fl |
Katie |
P |
Fl |
Gabriel |
T |
Mello |
Brittain |
B |
Mello |
Harrison |
T |
Mello |
Ginger |
A |
Pit |
Mallets |
Emmie |
B |
Pit |
Mallets |
Kaitlyn |
B |
Pit |
Mallets |
Hannah |
D |
Pit |
Synth |
Brandon |
J |
Pit |
G |
Noah |
W |
Pit |
BG |
Jackson |
A |
Quads |
Lukas |
B |
Snare |
JT |
G |
Snare |
Skylar |
S |
Snare |
Trinity |
H |
Tr |
Johnny |
H |
Tr |
Shay |
K |
Tr |
Braden |
K |
Tr |
Jenifer |
P |
Tr |
Marta |
B |
ZG |
Bella |
F |
ZG |
Ian |
H |
ZG |
Madison |
H |
ZG |
Abigail |
Mc |
ZG |
Tianna |
T |
ZG |
OK folks, Balloon Festival is here! Here is what you need to know:
- There is VERY LIMITED parking for volunteers. Please carpool, or have someone drop you off, if at all possible. If you MUST drive, please park in the West (Athletics) lot, entering at the Main Entrance to THS on Durham and turning immediately to the right. There is NO ENTRANCE to the lot from 92nd during the Festival. You may park near the Stadium, for convenience of walking.
- ALL volunteers report to the Band Trailer, which is on 92nd, just beyond Millen Drive.
- Bring water and sunscreen. Please wear closed-toed shoes. A hat can be nice, too. We have water, soda, and snacks!
- Remember that all volunteers get a FREE Festival admission ticket, good for all three days!
- Please arrive 10-15 minutes before your shift begins.
- CLICK HERE to confirm your shift time(s).
- And we still have several shifts that need to be filled:
- Adults needed Fri 7-11pm (urgent); and Sat 6-10pm and 7-11pm (urgent)
- Students or Adults needed Fri 5-9am; and 1-6; Sat 5-9am, 1-6 and 7-11; and Sun 9-1 and 1-6.
- CLICK HERE to sign up for one or more shifts!
See you at the Tigard Festival of Balloons!
Balloon Festival is only 5 days away! Here's what you need to know:
- Balloon Fest days are Fri. 6/21, Sat. 6/22, and Sun. 6/23
- We still need to fill several ESSENTIAL ADULT and STUDENT spots
- Friday
- 9am-1pm 2 Adults needed
- 1-6pm 3 Adults needed
- 7-11pm 1 Adult needed
- Saturday
- 9am-1pm 2 Adults needed
- 1-6pm 3 Adults needed
- 7-11pm 3 Adults needed
- Friday
- 9am-1pm 5 Students needed
- 1-6pm 8 Students needed
- 7-11pm 4 Students needed
- Saturday
- 9am-1pm 5 Students needed
- 1-6pm 7 Students needed
- 7-11pm 5 Students needed
- Sunday
- 9am-1pm 5 Students needed
- 1-6pm 7 Students needed
NOTE: Adults MAY fill Student spots
Students MAY NOT fill Adult spots
EVERYONE may work multiple shifts!
REMEMBER: Each shift gives approx. $5/hour credit toward band-related expenses, including Marching Band, Disney trip, etc. AND, parents, siblings, friends, and relatives can have their shifts go toward their favorite band member!
CLICK HERE to sign up! DO IT NOW!!
Hey Band! (hey, what??)
Marching Band Try-It-Outs are here! Come work with Dylan and the other great MB staff and get ready for the Fall! Come to one, come to the other, or come to both! Bring yourself! Bring a friend! Bring your friend's friend! Everything starts in the THS Band room.
- Tuesday June 11 - 4-6 pm
- Wednesday June 12 - 4-6 pm
Questions? Ask a Marching Band member!