Monday, October 7, 2019

What's the Buzz? Tell Me What's A-Happening...

Hey, nice job on Saturday, friends. Really.  And now that we've been to a competition, we know what to expect. Yay! Here are a few things to consider, as we prepare for our next show:
  • People are starting to get sick. It is so important to do everything you can to maintain your health.
    • Drink plenty of water, all day, every day.
    • Eat a healthful balance of food. Veggies, carbs, protein - and some treats, too.
    • Stay away from carbonated beverages. They are NOT. GOOD. FOR. YOU.
    • Keep caffeinated beverages to a minimum, too.
    • Remember, teenagers needs 9 hours of sleep per day. (Yeah, like THAT'S going to happen) At least work on getting reasonable sleep.
  •  Some people are also falling behind in their school work. If you're having difficulties, talk to McKee. Really - she will help you work things out.
  • Drink some more water.
  • Practice your part, every day. In real time, and in your head. Body movement, too.
  • Touch base with your adults. Thank them for their support.
  • If you can, watch a little playoff baseball. Because, baseball.
  • And plan how Friday morning is going to go - make sure you eat sensibly before coming to rehearsal. We're rehearsing 9:30 - 1:30.
Check out the schedule on the sidebar.

Let's go! 

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