Friday, January 24, 2025

RhythmFest! It's Time!!

Hey Band! (hey, what??)

RhythmFest is just around the corner, and it's time to sign up to work. Here are the expectations:

  • ALL Band students will work 2 (two) shifts. There are 8 (eight) Student spots on Friday evening, and 50 (fifty) Student spots throughout the day on Saturday.
  • Once you are signed up for a shift, if you must make a change, YOU are responsible to find your replacement. DO NOT ask Irving. DO NOT ask McKee.
  • We need MANY adults to work. There are 8 (eight) Adult spots on Friday evening, and 46 (forty-six) Adult spots throughout the day on Saturday. Please, ask your adults to help out.

Remember, this is a major fundraiser for our program. We have 32 groups coming (!), so let's make sure they have a great time!


CLICK HERE to sign up! 


(BTW, RhythmFest is the first Winter show of the season - a Winter Guard clinic and competition that kicks everything off. And we are the gracious hosts!)

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