Sunday, October 16, 2022

We've Done One - Now Let's Go Again!

Now that we've been to a show (thanks, Sherwood friends!), we know what to expect. Yay! As we get ready for the Liberty competition, there are some very important things to do and to know:

  • EVERYONE needs to come to rehearsal. The success of the ensemble depends on it.
    • "But McKee - what if I'm behind on my schoolwork? Isn't that more important??"
    • Homework is neither more nor less important than rehearsal. If you are behind, there are things Irving and McKee can do to help you get caught up. Let us know, and we'll help you out. Really - it's what we do. 
  • As the weather is changing, make sure to bring layers to rehearsal - it's getting cooler in the evening.
  • Remember to eat well and to drink plenty of water and other healthy beverages. And get some good sleep
  • Read the information on the sidebar that is important for MB students. There is at least one document none of you has read this year. (How do we know? Oh, WE know.)
  • And remember that we have that special performance on Sunday Oct. 23 - our Happy Happy Birthday parade for Dr. Helen Benscheidt, a long-time educator and resident of Summerfield.
It's Show Week! Let's do this!  


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