Saturday, August 14, 2021


Hey friends - after 17 looong months away, it's time for Marching Band!! Oh. My. Goodness! I don't think I have to tell you how excited I am - I was even dreaming about it last night! 😀

So, here's the latest information.  

  • Band Camp is August 16-27, Monday-Friday, 8:30 - 4:30. We start every day in the band room.
  • Band Camp IS NOT on the weekends.
  • There is a good post on the sidebar that will give you the important details (Band Camp for Competitive Marchers).
  • There is also a link to McKee's MB calendar that will give you the important dates.
  • Between now and Monday morning, it is important that you hydrate. That means you need to drink LOTS of water, to the point where you have to pee many more times than you normally do. Yes, it's annoying, but it's super-important that you hydrate ahead of time, because it will be really warm and you will be expending energy.(BTW, soda does NOT hydrate - in fact, it does the opposite)
  • It is also important that you eat before you come to Band Camp. Even if you do not normally eat breakfast, at least have a bit of protein and some carbs. Perhaps an English muffin with a little peanut butter. Or some crackers and cheese. Maybe a yogurt and a piece of toast. You get the idea. Remember, your body needs fuel. 

Also, we are in serious conversations with District Office regarding band fees, and there is a good chance that fees may be significantly less than in the past. Yay! More information to come - stay tuned!

One more thing - we are eager to have more people join up. Do you have a friend who is interested in being part of our ensemble? We need people in color guard, as well as more instruments on the field. So invite your friends!

Questions? CLICK HERE to send an email to McKee. 📭

Are you excited?? Whoo hoo! 😁



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