Monday, October 17, 2016

A Lot To Do in a Short Week

Here's what you need to know for this week:
  • Regular rehearsal Monday and Wednesday, 5-9. Regardless of the weather, we will be here. Make sure you are, too.
  • Special rehearsal Friday, 9-1. Everyone needs to be here (except Hugh - he will be in class. Poor Hugh.)
  • Truck loading at 1:30 on Friday. Loading crew this week is Low Brass, along with the usual (percussion) suspects.
As stated earlier this season, rehearsal this week is essential. Please do not come and talk to me about your need to miss rehearsal to study for a test, write a paper, go shopping with your grandma, apply for a job, or any other excuse. We have talked extensively about your need to manage your time so that your studies do not suffer because of Marching Band, and your rehearsal time doesn't suffer because you fall behind in your studies. And you have every other evening during the week (and Thursday!) to see your family and friends, and to do other non-band activities. 

Other important notes:
  • Eat well. Protein, healthy carbs, good fats. Lots of water and minimal caffeine. NO SODA.
  • Practice good sleep hygiene and get a good amount each night. 
  • Keep the drama to a minimum. Hang out with people who help you be the best person you can be, and be good to those around you.
Check out Saturday's schedule on the sidebar. You can find the full Spectacle of Sound schedule HERE.

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