Monday, December 1, 2014

It's Time For GBX/BBX Concessions!

This week we begin the 2014-15 GBX/BBX Concessions fundraiser. We are the sole basketball concessionaire at Tigard High, and each student who is associated with our program (including MB, WDL, and WG) is required to work at least one evening. All proceeds fund the general band program. Signups were first made available at the November Band Booster meeting and have been outside Irving and McKee's office ever since. So far, this week's shifts are posted on the sidebar at - the rest will go up by the end of the week. To see the details of any shift, click on the title of the game and you'll see who is scheduled.

At least one adult is required by school administration and band policy to be present for each shift. This is a safety requirement; students are dealing with money and food preparation and adult supervision is essential. Right now, we have three shifts this week, and we need to have an adult step up to work Thursday December 4. There are clear directions posted for operating and running the stand, and McKee will be there at the beginning to answer your questions. Please email McKee below right away if you can do this - if we don't have an adult, we will not be able to open, which will cause us to lose several hundred dollars and possibly put our contract with the Athletic Program in jeopardy. The nice thing about doing it this week? You'll get it out of the way for the year! Yay!

Can YOU be the one to help this Thursday? Click on the link below and sign up!  :)

Email McKee

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