Monday, July 14, 2014

Balloon Festival Numbers - Yay!

OK friends, it's time to figure out how many hours were volunteered by everyone at the incredibly successful 2014 Balloon Fest! Check the attached spreadsheet and look at what is recorded. If you see something that is amiss, email McKee and provide the correct information. We do need clarification from Nancy and Michaela G on which person was there which hours ( it wasn't clear on the signin sheet) and we need to know who participated in Concessions Takedown with Irving, so those figures can be added in. We should know soon what our total $$ amount is, from the combination of the security monitor contract with the fine Balloon Festival folks and our soccer concessions net total. Once we have that number, we'll see what the final $$/hour amount will be applied to student accounts. Yay!

Click here to see the spreadsheet

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