Thanks for checking in prior to our important Monday meeting!
Among other things, we'll be talking about the topics listed below and if you haven't already chosen your RhythmFest specialty, you'll make that choice at the meeting. In addition to the list below, we have added these categories:- Judges' Airport/Amtrak Pickup/Delivery
- Local Parking Shuttle
We're especially interested in your input for Raffle Items, including combo baskets and individual items.We also must get your shirt size, so that the order for RhythmFest Volunteer Staff shirts can go in this week!
Remember, here are the other categories - and we need your help!
- Security - Indoor; Outdoor
- Parking - Spectator; Trucks; Buses
- Concessions - Food
- Concessions - Stuff
- Concessions - Strolling
- Runners
- Hospitality
- Setup
- Cleanup
- Program - Ads; Layout; Editing; Printing
- Trophies - Sponsorship; Purchasing
- Signs
- Tickets
See you Monday 2/2, at 7PM in the THS Library!
and BBX vs. TuHS - and THS Pep Band is there! 5PM call time, and PIZZA to get you through the evening - what could be better?!? And
working concessions will be Jordan L, Lydia F, Renae W, Nicki R, and Jon Sch (parent), and Larry S and Scott W on the grill!
We're grillin' burgers for the Burger Basket Deal at the THS/TuHS Doubleheader this Friday, and we need a couple of grillmasters! Do you qualify? Do people come from miles around for your burgers? If so, check out McKee's Band Page! and sign up!
Time to play the Canby Cougars, and pep, pep, pep! Friday January 23 is the night, and it's Silly Hat Night - what a great idea! Wear your silly hat (nothing McKee or Irving wouldn't approve of), and have a ball. Call time is 6:15 - in place, and ready to play!
And as far as concessions goes, workers are Stephanie H and Peggy M (parents), and Alex S, Chris S, and Nicky. See you between 5:30 and 6!
The distance between the Capitol Building and the Washington Monument is just under 1 mile, with the crowd for the Inaugural Ceremony estimated at 1,000,000. The 1.7 mile parade route, which leaves the west side of the Capitol Building and heads east on Pennsylvania Avenue, will be lined with people who have left behind any umbrellas, bottles, coolers, signs, and strollers. With temperatures hovering around 30 degrees (with a 19 degree windchill!), many will wish they had a nice thermos of hot chocolate, but no thermoses allowed...
Hey, let's feed those hungry parents and students who come to see our guys take on the McMinnville Grizzlies! Working this game will be Greg D and Karen D (parents) and Brenden D. See you then!
Yes, we know it's a day off from school, but you'll done by evening anyway, so come to the Commons at 7PM and get set to put on a great RhythmFest Show!
Be thinking about what you would really like to do. Here's a list of some of the categories we will need to have handled:
- Security - Indoor; Outdoor
- Parking - Spectator; Trucks; Buses
- Concessions - Food
- Concessions - Stuff
- Concessions - Strolling
- Runners
- Hospitality
- Setup
- Cleanup
- Program - Ads; Layout; Editing; Printing
- Trophies - Sponsorship; Purchasing
- Signs
- Tickets
Questions? Contact McKee! See you Monday!
It's THS vs. TuHS tonight - let's get ready to rumble!And all those rumblers and their supporters will be hungry - yay!Working tonight will be Luann L (parent), Jason C, MacKenzie S, and Dev S.Come support the Tigard Girls as they take on those Timberwolves!
Many have spoken about their disappointment in missing out of Christmas Eve bells, because of the nasty road conditions. If you're looking for your bell fix, I'll again be filling in at Newberg Friends this Sunday January 11, at both the 9 and 11 am services. We play both prelude and offertory music, so if you're interested, be there by 20 minutes prior to the service time and you'll hear a bunch of dingalings! (Groan...) :)
Newberg Friends is between 3rd and 4th on College Street in Newberg - just a few blocks south of Highway 99W.
ATTENTION!!! Those in Economics class MUST turn in their NewsHours on or before Monday January 12 - NO EXCEPTIONS!
Do the right thing...
It's time for Basketball Pep Band - Yay!
We play this Friday, January 9, and it's Slipper Night!
Call time is 6:15 PM - remember, that's not when you arrive, that's when you're in place, ready to warm up.
Wear your pep shirt, jeans, and slippers, and get ready to be peppy!
For those who have wondered, Mr. Toft says Monday will be a "B-Day" - we will stick to the published schedule.
See you then! :)
Deep freeze? Record rainfall? Flooding? More snow?
What's next - locusts? :)
Check out the forecast and we'll see what happens...